January always seems to spring upon us! It is far away and then suddenly we are half way through! This is in no small part because all our love, time, and attention goes to preparing to celebrate our dear Savior's birth, a celebration which is extended well into the new year. This year was no different. In fact, it was probably more so, given that our Sisters made vows on December 27, the feast of John the Beloved, in addition to the usual festivities.
On December 27, the feast of St. John the Beloved, Sr. Claudia Marie of Our Mother of Mercy and Sr. Mary Perpetua of Our Mother of the Incarnate Word made their First Profession of Vows. Vows are so special to the whole Community; those who are professed renew their dedication, while those who remain in the novitiate look to what lies ahead. We pray for our newly professed Sisters that "the Lord who has begun this good work in them, bring it to fulfillment."
“Apostolic action will proceed from our intimate union with God… We ask Our Lady to share with us the love which enables us to offer our lives every day for Christ and to cooperate with Him in the Salvation of the World” (MSSR Constitutions).
The secular year has just begun and already it has been chock full of graces! The year came in as the Sisters quietly watched with our Lord in silent adoration, welcoming the new year under our Lady's gracious patronage.
"The Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world, alleluia; and that which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!" - Introit for Pentecost Gift of God Most High - This title of the Holy Spirit is a title of the Spirit's nature, True Gift. He is the gift sent from God the Father to be a Consoler to the Apostles at the loss of our Lord. He is the gift of a Teacher and Advocate Who was sent to teach the young Church "all things" and remind the Apostles of everything Christ said to them. But most importantly, the Holy Spirit is a gift of God's presence, where we can know that God moves, acts, and speaks within our very selves.
How delightful it is when little children reveal their age by holding up (somewhat haphazardly) as many little fingers as they have years to their lives. If we were to have done so this year, we would need all fingers on both hands: Our Lady’s Little community turned ten years old in the 2022. We would love to recount with you, our dear friends, relatives and benefactors, the many blessings bestowed on us by God throughout the past year.
First Professioin of Vows Sister Mary Regina of Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Rosary Sister Maria Consolata of Our Lady, Spouse of the Holy Ghost Sister Josefa of Our Lady of the Annunciation
"Receive this veil which proclaims that you belong entirely to Christ the Lord in the service of the Church. In imitation of your Immaculate Mother Mary, may you be an image of the Church: wholly given in humility of heart to Christ who is loved above all others." - presentation of the blue veil - "Temporary profession of vows ... prepares the sister for perpetual profession. These vows by which she pledges herself to the practice of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience show forth the unbreakable bond of union that exists between Christ and His bride, the Church. Desiring to strengthen these bonds and to “derive still more abundant fruit from the grace of her baptism”, a sister makes public profession of the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, is consecrated to God through the ministry of the Church, and is incorporated into the community with the spiritual benefits, rights and duties defined by law. "Temporary profession is a time to experience and train in the apostolic works of the community and to attain professional education while integrating the religious and spiritual training of the novitiate (cf. Can. 659) ... While growing in closer union with Christ, the vowed religious learns to “combine contemplation with apostolic love. By the former, she clings to God in mind and heart; by the latter she strives to associate herself with the work of redemption and to spread the kingdom of God” through evangelization. uring this time of formation, as the sister begins to take part in the apostolate she will grow in her appreciation for the Marian spirit of the community. As the sister strives to be Mary’s visible hands at work in the world, Mary communicates to her something of her own spirit, her strength of mind, and her courageous will. "- Constitutions of the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa "Lord, look upon these Religious who wish to imitate Your Son more closely by professing the evangelical counsels in the presence of Your Church today. Mercifully grant that their manner of life may bring glory to Your name and further Your loving plan of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord." - prayer concluding the examination of those professing vows - First Profession Slideshow"I ask to be permitted to live the life of a Marian Sister of Santa Rosa.
Drawn by God’s mercy, I have come here to learn your way of life. I ask you to teach me to follow Jesus Christ Crucified and to live generously in poverty, chastity and obedience ..." - Request of the Postulant to be admitted as a Novice "Beloved searcher of hearts, Thou knowest the infirmities of men; show pardoning grace to those who return to thee." - Verse from Parce Domine During important liturgical feasts and seasons, such as Lent, often times one may find it hard to express in words the sentiments the soul feels. How - during a time so sacred - can one even begin to describe what wells up in the heart? This poverty which strikes us is, in itself, a reminder of a necessary disposition during Lent: that even the penances and mortifications we desire to perform require complete reliance on the Lord for strength and perseverance. We can do nothing on our own.
The Lord often works together with His Bride the Church to takes care of His children. Holy Mother Church sees the poverty of Her little ones and provides for them in their need through the prayers of the Liturgy. For where Her child does not know what to say, She gives words; where there is yearning of the heart, She provides the supplication it wishes to express; where the child says, "I do not know how to pray as I ought," She says, "I shall provide prayers for you." The prayers of Ash Wednesday give a prime example of Her maternal care: "The Virgin Mary was taken up to the heavenly bridal chamber where the King of kings is seated on a heavenly throne." - Antiphon from Vespers of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary On the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary we celebrate Our Lady being assumed, body and soul, into Heaven where she is fully united to her Creator and Lover of her soul. So too on Sunday did we celebrate the reception of Postulants into the chamber of our community, where each Sister lives with her Divine Spouse.
December 2024