The glory of God is our supreme end, what all creation groans for in expectation. By grace we begin to share in that glory which shall be fulfilled in the eternal bliss of union with the Holy Trinity. Let us join with Our Mother, Mediatrix of all Graces and St. Louis Marie de Montfort in meditating on our blessed hope in the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.
"We sit at the School of Mary as she teaches us in the Rosary to contemplate
the beauty of the face of Christ, to experience the depths of His love, and to draw down the specific graces of each mystery here and now upon Christ’s living members, most especially our Holy Father." - MSSR Constitutions Suffering and sorrow is our lot here upon this sinful earth. Far from abandoning us to our self-imposed misery, Our Lord enters into our sorrows in His Incarnation, and particularly in His Passion and Death, in order to redeem us by setting us free from our sins. His Mother joins Him in her role as co-redemptrix, sharing His and our suffering as the most tender of mothers. Let us join with Our Sorrowful Mother and St. Louis Marie de Montfort in meditating on the great love of Our Lord in the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.
Our Lord is Himself luminous; radiating light, illuminating and revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom of God to the world that dwells in the darkness and error of sin. The Mysteries of Light, or the Luminous Mysteries, invite us to meditate on Christ’s public ministry when He made Himself known as the revelation of God, God Who seeks us in the darkness to draw us to His never-failing Light. Let us join with Our Blessed Mother and St. Louis Marie de Montfort to find this illumination in the five Luminous Mysteries.
Joy is the special kind of happiness that comes from being in the presence of one we love. The rosary, and the Joyful Mysteries in particular, allow us to experience the greatest of joys, that of being with Our Lord Who loves us above all things, Who longs to shower us with graces as we pray. Let us join with Our Blessed Mother and St. Louis Marie de Montfort to find this blessed fruit in the five Joyful Mysteries.
"Send forth flowers, as the lily, and yield a smell, and bring forth leaves in grace,
and praise with canticles, and bless the Lord in His works." Communion Antiphon (Eccus. 39:19) |
December 2024