"I ask to be permitted to live the life of a Marian Sister of Santa Rosa. Drawn by God’s mercy, I have come here to learn your way of life. I ask you to teach me to follow Jesus Christ Crucified and to live generously in poverty, chastity and obedience ..." - Request of the Postulant to be admitted as a Novice "The Divine Word humbled Himself to take on the garb of our humanity and to be wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger. In imitation of His poverty we willingly exchange secular clothing for the holy habit (cf. Can. 669.1). We wear our religious habit as an outward sign of our consecration (cf. Can. 669.1) and as a strong armor against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Simple and modest, poor and at the same time becoming (PC 17), our habit of blue and white witnesses our Marian spirit." The novitiate is a time of integral initiation into the form of life which the Son of God embraced and which He proposes to us in the Gospel (DF, 45). During this time, the novice is gradually initiated into the life and charism of the community. Her mind and heart are formed as in the school of Mary, wherein she is led to a more intimate knowledge and love of Jesus Christ and of the Father through the lived experience of the evangelical counsels (cf. Can. 646)." - Constitutions of the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa "May all who see me, see thee, O Mary!" - Ven. Teresita Quevedo Clothing Ceremony SlideshowComments are closed.
December 2024