"Suscipe me, Domine, secundum eloquium tuum et viviam, et non confundas me ab expectation mea." After the profession of Holy Vows, wherein, the Religious is now perpetually professed, she implores Our Lord to receive her in His great mercy chanting: “Receive me, O Lord, according to Thy word, and I shall live: and let me not be confounded in my hope” (from Psalm 119) Taken from the Solemn Consecration of the Professed Sister: "Father, in Your loving wisdom, You have singled out many of Your daughters to be disciples espoused to Christ and to receive the honor of His love. Holy Church shines with their rich variety, a bride adorned with jewels, a queen robed in grace, a mother rejoicing in her children. Father, we earnestly pray You: send the fire of the Holy Spirit into the heart of Your daughter to keep alive within her the holy desire He has given her. Lord, may the glory of baptism and holiness of life shine in her heart. Strengthened by the vows of her consecration, may she be always one with You in loving fidelity to Christ, her only Bridegroom. May she cherish the Church as her Mother and love the whole world as God’s creation, teaching all people to look forward in joy and hope to the good things of Heaven. Lord, Holy Father, guide the steps of Your servant and guard her on her pilgrimage through life. When she comes at last to the throne of Christ the King, may she not fear Him as her judge, but hear the voice of her Bridegroom lovingly inviting her to the wedding feast of Heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord." Slideshow of Final Profession of Sr. Margaret MaryComments are closed.
December 2024