A MEMBER of the "24 Club", St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows is a special inspiration to the young, students, clerics, and novices whose patron he is. In his short life, he rose heroically from an average, even worldly, life to one of great perfection, as is exhibited by the resolutions which guided his brief religious life.
Alleluia cannot always
Be our song while here below; Alleluia our transgressions Make us for awhile forgo... "See that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven." Mt. 18:10
"How poor a life in which there is not thirst. Craving and longing, and the restlessness which goes with them are a sort of consolation in themselves, and a hint of likeness with Him; and it is craving and longing, more than anything else, which makes the difference between one's good and bad days." - from Notes of a Meditation by Mother Janet Stuart
"The flowers have appeared in our land, the time of pruning has come, the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come: my dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hollow places of the wall." (Gradual).
Christ came to do the will of the Father who sent Him, and He did it steadily, becoming a cause of salvation for all who obey. Our lives of consecration are lives of deep identification with the His sacred life; each of our actions proceeds from His will and is carried on by His assistance, redounding for His glory.
The Institute on Religious Life recently officially added the Community to its roster of affiliate communities. We have been actively involved in with the Institute since our founding, benefiting from their resources and seminars, and this past fall, giving back by our presence at the IRL Gala fundraiser.
"...The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead; and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace."
"Agatha went to prison radiant with joy and with head held high as though
invited to a festive banquet. And she commended her agony to the Lord in prayer." "...We humbly entreat Thee, that ... Thou wouldst vouchsafe to bless † and sanctify † these candles for the service of men and for the health of their bodies and souls..."
December 2024