First Professioin of Vows Sister Mary Regina of Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Rosary Sister Maria Consolata of Our Lady, Spouse of the Holy Ghost Sister Josefa of Our Lady of the Annunciation
"Receive this veil which proclaims that you belong entirely to Christ the Lord in the service of the Church. In imitation of your Immaculate Mother Mary, may you be an image of the Church: wholly given in humility of heart to Christ who is loved above all others." - presentation of the blue veil - "Temporary profession of vows ... prepares the sister for perpetual profession. These vows by which she pledges herself to the practice of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience show forth the unbreakable bond of union that exists between Christ and His bride, the Church. Desiring to strengthen these bonds and to “derive still more abundant fruit from the grace of her baptism”, a sister makes public profession of the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, is consecrated to God through the ministry of the Church, and is incorporated into the community with the spiritual benefits, rights and duties defined by law. "Temporary profession is a time to experience and train in the apostolic works of the community and to attain professional education while integrating the religious and spiritual training of the novitiate (cf. Can. 659) ... While growing in closer union with Christ, the vowed religious learns to “combine contemplation with apostolic love. By the former, she clings to God in mind and heart; by the latter she strives to associate herself with the work of redemption and to spread the kingdom of God” through evangelization. uring this time of formation, as the sister begins to take part in the apostolate she will grow in her appreciation for the Marian spirit of the community. As the sister strives to be Mary’s visible hands at work in the world, Mary communicates to her something of her own spirit, her strength of mind, and her courageous will. "- Constitutions of the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa "Lord, look upon these Religious who wish to imitate Your Son more closely by professing the evangelical counsels in the presence of Your Church today. Mercifully grant that their manner of life may bring glory to Your name and further Your loving plan of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord." - prayer concluding the examination of those professing vows - First Profession SlideshowComments are closed.
December 2024