Prayer directly offered for the Soul in Purgatory is the petition of a child beseeching God to be kind and merciful. Could such a prayer, offered from the heart, fail to move God?
In Purgatory, the just and loving soul loses sight of everything but the purity of God, which it loves and the necessity of making itself worthy of this purity. This suffering is so intense, because it is ignorant of the length of its exile from the sight of God.
Most merciful Jesus, whose loving Heart was ever burdened with the sorrows of others, look down with pity on the souls of our beloved ones in Purgatory. Hear their cries, and grant that they may soon enjoy everlasting rest with Thee in heaven. Amen Our Father, Three Hail Marys, Glory Be Out of the depths, I have cried to Thee, O Lord, Lord, hear my voice. Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. If thou, O Lord, shalt mark my iniquities O Lord, who shall stand it? For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by reason of Thy law I have waited for Thee, O Lord. My soul hath relief on His word; my soul hath hoped in the Lord. From the morning watch even until night; let Israel hope in the Lord. Because with the Lord there is mercy; and with Him plenteous redemption. And He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
When, by our prayers, we release a soul from Purgatory, we have not only won his gratitude, but the gratitude of his Guardian Angel, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom is soul was consecrated, and of God Himself who was enabled through us to sooner shower His blessings on it. Our Father, Three Hail Marys, Glory Be, De Profundis Most beloved Jesus, if I could but say: “There is a soul in Heaven at this time that owes to me its release from Purgatory, a soul that speaks to God for me, that glorifies God for me, that loves Thy Blessed Mother for me. If it were thus how happy I should be.” Release from the pains of Purgatory the soul careless and hurried in prayer. Take him to the joys of heaven, that he may evermore praise Thee and intercede for me at the hour of need.
Let us never cease our prayers for the faithful departed. St. Francis De Sales often said: “I fear the good opinion which my friends have formed of me: they well believe me in heaven and leave me to suffer.” Our Father, Three Hail Marys, Glory Be, De Profundis Most merciful Jesus, have mercy on the Souls in Purgatory. For us, Thou didst become Man and suffer to die. By the merits of Thy agony and death, release the faithful departed from their pains, that they may enjoy everlasting bliss in Heaven.
To find ourselves forgotten on earth by those whom we love and who have loved us is a cruel trial – but to find ourselves in Purgatory – forgotten by all whom we loved and helped on earth must be a most painful sorrow.
March 2024