![]() In many dioceses, June the month for ordinations. How beautiful and appropriate this is! The month of the Sacred Heart and the month with the Feast of Corpus Christi (with the month of the Precious Blood following). In light of all of the ordinations and anniversaries of ordinations, it is also a good time for all of us (priest, religious, and laity) to reflect on the supremely loving gift that is the priesthood. Consider how God Almighty decided to allow mere men to share so intimately in His life and love. The priest has an indelible conformity to Christ and is the instrument through which God's people are healed and nourished with the Body and Blood of our Lord. Consider further how closely God works in the priest for these Sacraments. As St. John Marie Vianney said, the priest does not say, "God forgives you." He says, "I absolve you from your sins." Similarly, he does not say "This is Jesus' Body" at Mass, but, "This is My Body". That God would design the priesthood in such a way is so amazing that the priest himself will not fully understand until eternity (if even then). Let us pray for all of our priests, for a continual growth in faith and love, and for perseverance in their holy vocation.
Please join us in praying for our Sisters who will be attending the Vita Consecrata Institute this month. The Vita Consecrata Institute is a program of study founded by the Institute on Religious Life for priests, religious, and other consecrated persons. Held at Christendom College, the program will provide graduate level courses as well as time of spiritual renewal. The Vita Consecrata is meant to help all those who attend grow in their love and understanding of the consecrated life. Steeped in the tradition of the Church, the documents of Vatican II, the teachings of Pope Saint John Paul II, and surrounded by excellent instructors, this will truly be a wonderful experience for our Sisters. May Our Lady the Teacher and Seat of Wisdom guide all those teaching and attending the Vita Consecrata this year.
"O Heart of my supreme king! To you my heart pays homage joyfully. My pleasure consists in loving you, and it is my love which moves me to speak to you. What a charity must have urged you on, and yet, what pain must have tortured you when you exhausted yourself completely to give yourself to us and snatch us away from death! By the death which you endured for me, by your last heartbeat, O Heart so dear to me, I beseech you to accept my love, for I desire nothing else. Purify my heart so vain and hardened. Make it tender and watchful. Melt the ice of its lukewarmness. My heart is sinful: may your love penetrate its fibers. May it bring my heart wholly back to life. Wound it, O Jesus, with your own wound. Unite yourself with my heart, touch it, penetrate it with your grace." The Marian Sisters are blessed to introduce our two new novices: Sister Maria Serra of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Sister Margaret Mary of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart May Our Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, guide these Sisters closer to Him each and every day.
Behold the Heart which has so loved men but which has been given so little love in return.June is well under way, thus it is time for our monthly devotion. June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and this is beautifully celebrated in the Church liturgically and devotionally. Not only do we have the glorious feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (this Friday!) but the Feast and Procession for Corpus Christi. It is so beautiful to have Corpus Christi in this month because the Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love. Also, in the new calendar, the Saturday after the Feast of the Sacred Heart is the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. How appropriate to have the feasts of these hearts side by side, just like they are in reality. There is so much to say about this adorable, loving, Sacred Heart... let us hear from the great Saint Bonaventure what we ought to deeply know about Our Lord's Heart: "Beloved brethren, since it had been ordained by a merciful Providence that the Church should be formed from the side of the crucified Christ and that the words of the Scriptures be fulfilled: They shall look upon Him whom they have pierced - a soldier armed with a lance opened the sacred Breast. The Blood mingled with water, which was shed from that pierced side, was the price of our salvation. Flowing from the hidden fount of the Sacred Heart, it gave to the Sacraments their power of conferring the life of grace, and to those already living in Christ a draught of the living fount, gushing forth unto life eternal. Panis angelicus fit panis hominum; The bread of Angels becomes man's bread;
Dat panis caelicus figuris terminum; The bread from heaven puts an end to the types; O res mirabilis: manducat Dominum; What marvelous happening is this; the poor, Pauper servus et humilis. the servant, the lowly feeds upon his Lord. ~From the hymn Panis Angelicus, sung in the traditional Divine Office on Corpus Christi |
December 2024