Our diocese has received a great gift: a new priest! The salvation of countless souls is attached to ordination of each priest and many graces are poured upon the Church with each ordination. We thank God for this great gift and pray that our newest priest may ever be faithful to the graces of his ordination. We were privileged to attend the ordination of Fr. Andrew Pacheco, received his first priestly blessing, and then to attend his first Mass. For his first Mass, Fr. Pacheco chose to celebrate the Extraordinary Form External Feast of Corpus Christi with a glorious Missa Cantata. In the presence of his loving family and friends, supported by clergy and seminarians, accompanied by exquisite sacred music, Fr. Pacheco offered the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with intense ardor and devotion. More pictures here. "In union with Mary, Mother of the Church, we strive to magnify Jesus Christ, her Divine Son, by communicating the Beauty, Goodness, and Truth of the Catholic faith, in a spirit of joyful evangelization..." ~ From the MSSR Charism Statement While not every sister teaches in a classroom, every sister participates in carrying out our charism of joyful evangelization in some way. Some sisters do teach the faith in a classroom setting, while others form the younger sisters or serve as catechists for the parish and diocese. Save the Date! Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 3:00 PM 5th Annual Barbeque for the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa at The Smith Family Ranch 5390 Washington Street Napa, CA 94558 Contact Carole Duncan – 944-9540 or [email protected] for Reservations One of our favorite May customs is crowning Our Lady. We have a crowning on the Saturdays and Marian feasts of the month. Each Sister has the opportunity to make the little crown of flowers, choose the hymn, and pick the Marian prayer the community will offer Our Lady on her special day.
Hail, O Lady, holy Queen,
Mary, holy Mother of God: You are the Virgin made Church, and the one chosen by the most holy Father in heaven whom He consecrated with his most holy beloved Son and with the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, in whom there was and is all the fullness of grace and every good. Hail, his Palace! Hail, his Tabernacle! Hail, his Home! Hail, his Robe! Hail, his Servant! Hail, his Mother! And hail all you holy virtues which through the grace and light of the Holy Spirit are poured into the hearts of the faithful so that from their faithless state you may make them faithful to God. ~ St. Francis of Assisi Fittingly, the Church begins this month devoted to Our Lady by honoring St. Joseph, her Most Chaste Spouse, as the model for all who labor. St. Josemaria Escriva urges Christians to seek to know and follow Joseph for he will always lead us to Jesus. He says,
Let us pray that the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, protect the family and teach us to understand both the dignity of the human person and the dignity of human labor.
December 2024