Holy Saturday is the day on which the Church contemplates the rest of Christ in the tomb, after the victorious battle of the cross. She remembers his descent into the world of death to heal the roots of humanity, and she expects his promise to be fulfilled: "The Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes, they will condemn him to death and deliver him to the Gentiles..., they will kill him, and in three days he will be resurrected " (Mk 10, 33-34).
The Sisters playing "zoo" with our visitors "In all religious houses...some part should be reserved to the members alone. This form of separation from the world...is part of the public witness which religious give to Christ and to the Church. It is also needed for the silence and recollection which foster prayer." - Essential Elements 11
"O Redeemer, hear this anthem, as we sing with one accord. O Redemptor, sume carmen, temet concinéntium." Antiphon chanted during the Procession of the Oils
“Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife” (Mt 1-20).
These are key words in the life of St Joseph, descendant of David. With them the eternal Father entrusts to a man – to the carpenter of Nazareth – a great mystery of God. The psalms, according to Fr. Garrigou-LaGrange, are a school of contemplation, of self-oblation, and of holiness. These fruits grow and flourish when the psalmody prayed has both body - harmoniously arranged structure bringing the tranquility of order - and soul, the interior devotion rising toward God like a flame. The very parallelism of the psalms when chanted or prayed in the tradition of the Church, two or three phrases punctuated with a pause in the middle, gives a natural body to the prayer. This harmonious body is disrupted by undue haste, depriving the spirit its ability to rest in God. Our community takes great care to preserve this body in our prayer so that soul may flourish.
"...an adventure of love that demands everything, because it can give everything." "At the base of consecrated chastity, there is an experience of being involved in an adventure of love that demands everything, because it can give everything. There is a kind of falling in love that makes the light of every other creature fade away. There is a sensation that, by responding to divine seduction, God becomes the only One. It is in this way that one chooses God and commit oneself to Him, who is loved as one's only love. There is a realization that one can have many friends and brothers and sisters, but only one Spouse." - Pier Giordano Cabra Mary, Mother and Model of Religious, pray for us!
"The Liturgy of the Hours... was seen as a kind of necessary complement to the fullness of divine worship that is contained in the Eucharistic sacrifice, by means of which that worship might overflow to reach all the hours of daily life." - Apostolic Constitution promulgating the Liturgy of the Hours Each day, the community gathers to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, the prayer of the Church. In keeping with the Church's emphasis on Lauds and Vespers as the principle Hours and in accord with our manner of life as contemplative-active religious, we pray with loving care the Hours of Lauds, Vespers, and Compline.
"...the purpose of consecrated life is conformity to Christ in His gift of self..." After Jesus called His disciples, He spent a good deal of time patiently working to form them to follow in His footsteps and to bear His likeness to the world. In the same manner, souls consecrated to Christ embark on a life time journey of formation, the purpose of which is gradual identification with Christ.
As a community, we take Saint Joseph, Most Pure, Most Obedient, and Most Patient, the Protector of the Virgin, as our Model and Protector. To his intercession we entrust our temporal needs. To him we commend our vocations, both relying on his care for perseverance in our vocations and for his guidance of those who will join us. During his month, we turn to him in thanksgiving for all the graces he has obtained for us and beseech him to intercede for us in our need. It is our custom to pray to him each day as we begin our daily labors, using this prayer:
December 2024