There are few things that bring more joy in Community life than sharing in each other's joy. On the feast of Mary, Help of Christians, we collectively entered into the joy of Sister Mary Catherine of Mary, Mother of the Church and Sister Mary Emmanuel of Mary, Cause of Our Joy as they made their first profession of vows.
Sister and her class At the culmination of several years of serious study, our dear Sister Mary Vianney graduated from Divine Mercy University this month at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. The Most Reverend Joseph E. Strickland, Bishop of Tyler, TX, celebrated the baccalaureate Mass.
Our Marian spirituality is expressed primarily in our living of our total consecration to Jesus through Mary, but our Constitutions exhorts also to express our filial devotion in special ways on her feasts. Throughout this month of Mary, the Sisters have taken turns crowning our Lady. In addition to expressing our individual and communal love of our Mother, something of each Sister's personality appears in the crown she makes!
'Tis the month of our Mother, but it is also a season of retreats, sacraments, presentations, and any number of other apostolic adventures!
This morning, the bright spring flowers and relics were absent from the altar, the white and gold of the Easter season were muted by the black vestments, and the hauntingly beautiful chants of the Requiem Mass filled the chapel as we united our hearts to the great prayer, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, offered for the repose of the soul of a dear friend.
Our life is centered on the adoration and worship of God through the sacred liturgy, but each month we are given the opportunity to focus personally and as a Community on some aspect in the Church's devotional life. The Sisters look forward with special joy to the month of May to honor our dear Mother Mary and to renew our resolve to acquire her virtues and sweet modesty.
December 2024