O Mary, Mother and Model of Religious,
Pray for us! This is the task and purpose of novitiate: that the Sister may learn to allow Christ to be formed in her. In this she unites with Our Lady, in whom Christ was formed most perfectly through her joyful cooperation with the Holy Spirit. Novitiate allows the Sister to practice this same Fiat and Ecce Ancilla Domini so that when Jesus invites, she may respond, "Yes, Lord, behold Thy handmaid ready to do Thy holy will."
The Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa joyfully welcome Sr. Mary Victoria of Our Sorrowful Mother!
Sr. Mary Victoria was clothed on the feast of the Queenship of Mary and is named in honor of Our Savior's triumphant victory over sin and death accomplished by His willing sacrifice on Calvary. We ask you to join us in praying for our dear Sister, that she may daily increase in holiness and persevere in her holy vocation. Photo Gallery here Doing God's holy will is ever a joy-filled adventure. This past Saturday, the Sisters were privileged to attend, sing for, and present at the annual Diocesan Religious Education Congress held at Cardinal Newman High School. After the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, our dear Bishop delivered the keynote address expounding upon the theme of the Congress, "Jesus is the Face of the Father's Mercy", He walked the conference participants through the Holy Father's Bull of Indiction announcing the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Miseriecordiae Vultus, speaking movingly about Jesus' mercy as a loving call to conversion and entering into right relationship with God. The Sisters also benefited from excellent presentations from Fr. John Boettcher, Mr. Mark Brumley, Mr. Rich Curran, and the Plenary Session offered by Dr. Peter Kreeft on the relationship between Mercy and Truth. We are blessed as a Diocese to have such an inspiring and spiritually enriching Congress every year! O Mary, Model and Teacher of Catechists,
Pray for us! "Action relies upon contemplation for its fruitfulness; and contemplation, in its turn, as soon as it has reached a certain degree of intensity, pours out upon our active works some of its overflow. And it is by contemplation that the soul goes to draw directly upon the Heart of God for the graces which it is the duty of the active life to distribute." From The Soul of the Apostolate by Dom Chautard, O.C.S.O Fervent love of God inevitably overflows in acts of love toward our neighbor. As consecrated women, our primary duty is assiduous union with God in prayer (cf. CIC 663), but this union by its very nature results in action. As a community, we are deeply committed to the mission of Jesus Christ and with the Church we make evangelization the focus of our action. As the new school year begins, we reflect thankfully on the great gift of being able to share the love of God that fills our lives with the students we will encounter this year and we ask our Lady "to share with us the love which enables us to offer our lives every day for Christ and to cooperate with Him in the salvation of the world." From our Constitutions O Mary, Mother and Model of Teachers,
Pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Finally we believe that thou, in the glory where thou art reigning, clothed with the sun and crowned with the stars, art after Jesus the happiness and the felicity of all angels and saints; and from this world where we pass as pilgrims, strengthened with the faith in the coming resurrection, we lift our eyes up to thee, our life, our sweetness, our hope; attract us with the sweetness of thy voice, so that thou mayest show us, after our exile, Jesus the blessed Fruit of thy womb, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. From the prayer written and prayed by Venerable Pope Pius XII on the eve of the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption
December 2024