“The Lord is risen, alleluia!” The Invitatory Antiphon for Easter Sunday proclaims the exultant joy of the whole Church, the triumphant Bride of Christ, as she rejoices in the victory of her Redeemer. On this first day of the week, Jesus rose from the tomb, defeating not merely physical death, but its much more sinister source: the prideful rejection of God’s love which is the temptation of every fallen human heart. Ever since the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, each soul has been subject to fear, bound by a warped understanding of God’s power and inclined to reject His providence in favor of her own plans. Yet now, “the splendor of Christ risen from the dead” (as stated in the First Antiphon for Morning Prayer) illuminates the very darkness in which the soul has shrouded herself and she, redeemed by his blood, may freely rise to greet Him.
On the Thursday before Holy Week the Sisters attended the annual Chrism Mass celebrated by our Bishop and over fifty of our diocesan priests. We witnessed these men renew their promises made at their ordinations, and our Bishop blessed the Sacred Oils which will be used throughout the Churches of our diocese to administer the Sacraments in the coming year. The Mass was a beautiful reminder that we need our priests and we need the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
"As for you, dearest sons and daughters, pray for your Priests,
that the Lord may pour out His gifts abundantly upon them, and keep them faithful as ministers of Christ, the High Priest, so that they may lead you to Him, who is the source of salvation." Exhortation of the faithful during the Renewal of Priestly Promises in the Chrism Mass "We choose St. Joseph, virginal spouse of the Mother of God,
and patron of the Universal Church, as our spiritual father and co-patron, entrusting to his care the spiritual and temporal welfare of our community and of each sister. To his powerful intercession we also commend future vocations to our community." - Constitutions of the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa - |
March 2024