Last Saturday, on the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lady in the temple, we witnessed the most awe-inspiring profession of perpetual vows of Sr. Mary Vianney, MSSR and Sr. Caritas Marie, MSSR. Heaven was rejoicing as Jesus gained two beautiful brides for eternity. Join us in rejoicing with the angels and thanking God for His abundant blessings! Perpetual Profession SlideshowAs we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King (OF) immediately following the Perpetual Profession of Vows of our two Sisters, we reflect gratefully on His Kingship in our lives as His spouses.
"All confess that they must die, and die only once and that nothing is of greater importance than to die well; because on death depends whether we shall be forever in bliss or forever in despair. All know that our eternal happiness or our eternal unhappiness depends on leading a good or a bad life. How then does it happy that the greater part of Christians live as if there were never to die, or as if to die well or ill were of little moment! ...
'Remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin.' (Eccl. 7:40)" - St. Alphonsus Liguori: Preparation for Death "The goods of this world appear great, but they are nothing: like a dream, which lasts but a little and afterward vanishes, they are enjoyed but a short time."
Prayer to St. Joseph in Honor of the Trinity
Everlasting Father, for the sake of the love which Thou didst bear to St. Joseph, whom Thou didst chose above all to occupy Thy place on earth, Have mercy on us and on those who are dying. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be ... Everlasting Son of God, for the sake of Th y love towards St. Joseph, who didst protect Thee so faithfully on earth, have mercy on us all and on those who are dying. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be ... Everlasting Divine Spirit, for the sake of Thy love toward St. Joseph, who so carefully protected Mary, Thy most holy and beloved spouse, have mercy on us and those who are dying. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be ... "Brother, if you believe that you must die, that there is an eternity, that you can die only once, and that if you then err your error will be forever irreparable, why do you not resolve to begin at this moment to do all in your power to secure a good death? ... Hasten to apply a remedy in time; resolve to give yourself sincerely to God, and begin from this moment a life which, at the hour of death, will be to you a source, not of affliction but of consolation. Give yourself up to prayer, frequent the sacraments, avoid all dangerous occasions, and, if necessary, leave the world, secure to yourself eternal salvation, and be persuaded that to secure eternal life no precaution can be too great." - St. Alphonsus: Preparation for Death Happy they who at death are already dead to all attachment to this world. They fear not, but desire death, and embrace it with joy; for, instead of separating them from the good which they love, it unites them to the Supreme Good, Who is the sole object of their affections, and Who will render them happy for eternity. - St. Alphonsus: Preparation for Death Consider the end of life
December 2024