O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament have left us a memorial of your Passion, grant us, we pray, so to revere the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood that we may always experience in ourselves the fruits of your redemption.
Sr. Katie moments before becoming Sr. Philomena Marie of Our Lady, Mother of the Eternal High Priest "Religious life is radical and beautiful. It is a love affair of the most enthralling type. It is a focusing on God that fulfills as nothing else fulfills." - Father Thomas Dubay
Meditation for the Ninth Day: On the Fruits of the Holy SpiritThe Gifts of the Holy Ghost perfect the supernatural virtues by enabling us to practice them with greater docility to Divine inspiration. As we grow in the knowledge and love of God under the direction of the Holy Ghost, our service becomes more sincere and generous, the practice of virtue more perfect. Such acts of virtue leave the heart filled with true joy and consolation and are known as the fruits of the Holy Ghost. These fruits in turn render the practice of virtue more attractive and become a powerful incentive for still greater efforts in the service of God, "to serve Whom is to reign." Let us Pray: Come, O Divine Spirit, fill my heart with Thy heavenly fruits: Thy charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, faith, mildness, modesty, continence, long-suffering and temperance, that I may never weary in the service of God, but by continued faithful submission to Thy inspiration may merit to be united eternally with Thee in the love of the Father and the Son. Amen.
Meditation for the Eighth Day: On the Gift of True Wisdom
Meditation for the Seventh Day: On the Gift of CounselThe gift of Counsel endows the soul with supernatural prudence, enabling it to judge promptly and rightly what must be done, according to the mind of the Church, especially in difficult circumstances. Counsel applies the principles furnished by Knowledge and Understanding, to the innumerable concrete cases that confront us in the course of our daily duty as Religious, as parents, teachers, public servants, and Christian citizens. Counsel is supernatural common sense, a priceless treasure in the quest of salvation. "Above all these things, pray to the Most High, that He may direct thy way in truth." Let us Pray: Come, O Spirit of Counsel, help and guide me in all ways, that I may always do Thy holy will. Incline my heart to that which is good; turn it away from all that is evil, and direct me by the straight path of Thy commandments to that goal of eternal life for which I long. Amen.
Meditation for the Sixth Day: On the Gift of UnderstandingUnderstanding, as a gift of the Holy Ghost, helps us to grasp the meaning of the truths of our holy Religion. By faith we know them, but by Understanding we learn to appreciate and relish them. It enables us to penetrate the inner meaning of revealed truths and through them to be quickened to a newness of life. Our faith ceases to be sterile and inactive, but inspires a mode of life that bears eloquent testimony to the faith that is in us; we begin to "walk worthy of God in all things pleasing, and increasing in the knowledge of God." Let us Pray: Come, O Spirit of Understanding, and enlighten our minds, that we may know and believe all the mysteries of salvation; and may merit at last to see the eternal light in Thy light; and in the light of glory to have a clear vision of Thee and the Father and the Son. Amen.
Meditation for the Fifth Day: on the Gift of KnowledgeThe Gift of Knowledge enables the soul to evaluate created things at their true worth—in their relation to God. Knowledge unmasks the pretense of creatures, reveals their emptiness, and points out their only true purpose as instruments in the service of God. It shows us the loving care of God even in adversity, and directs us to glorify Him in every circumstance of life. Guided by its light, we put first things first, and prize the friendship of God beyond all else. "Knowledge is a fountain of life to him that possesses it." Let us Pray: Come, O Blessed Spirit of Knowledge, and grant that I may perceive the will of the Father: show me the nothingness of earthly things, that I may realize their vanity and use them only for Thy glory and my own salvation, looking ever beyond them to Thee, and Thy eternal rewards. Amen.
Meditation for the Fourth Day: on the Gift of FortitudeBy the Gift of Fortitude the soul is strengthened against natural fear and supported to the end in the performance of duty. Fortitude imparts to the will an impulse and energy which move it to undertake without hesitancy the most arduous tasks, to face dangers, to trample underfoot human respect, and to endure without complaint, the slow martyrdom of an even lifelong tribulation. "He that shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved." Let us Pray: Come, O blessed Spirit of Fortitude, uphold my soul in time of trouble and adversity, sustain my efforts after holiness, strengthen my weakness, give me courage against all the assaults of my enemies, that I may never be overcome and separated from Thee, my God and greatest good.
December 2024