Our vowed life is a life lived in imitation of Christ's life. Fr. Louis Colin writes about religious life, "Devised by the sovereign Wisdom, from all eternity, proposed by the Master to His disciples, it is one of the exquisite fruits of the Redemption: a vigorous and immortal offshoot growing at the very foot of the Tree of the Cross, watered and nourished by the Blood of Jesus."
“To hope that any other will please me does wrong to my Spouse. I will be his who first chose me for himself." St. Agnes
"Inspired by the example of our Blessed Mother and united with her spirit, a deep life of personal, communal and liturgical prayer animates and sustains our consecrated lives."
- MSSR Constitutions -
"...They found the Child with Mary his Mother and falling down, they adored him. And opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. ...They went back another way..." - Matthew 2
The month of January opens with the day upon which our Savior received His most Holy Name, which day is promptly followed by the liturgical celebration of the sweetness and power of His Name. We are still basking in the glow of Christmastide, our meditation still focused closely upon the creche, learning from Mary and Joseph to silently contemplate our Salvation, when the Church reminds us to dwell upon His precious Name. With the revelation of His Name, He reveals His desire to save us, His yearning for us to call upon Him, His desire to come to our aid. Our Community custom during this time is to invoke His sweet name throughout the day, praying, "Most Holy Name of Jesus, save us!"
March 2024