Prayer to St. Louis de Montfort
Great Apostle and Love of our Blessed Lady, St. Louis de Montfort, whose one desire is to set the world aflame with love for Jesus through Mary, we entreat you to obtain for us childlike, persevering, perfect devotion to Mary, so as to share in Mary's faith, hope, and charity, and to receive the favor we beseech you to obtain for us. St. Louis de Montfort, pray for us. St. Louis de Montfort, pray for us. St. Louis de Montfort, pray for us.
The devotion for this month is the Holy Eucharist. What can one say about this most precious gift? Here are some of the favorite quotations about the Eucharist from our Sisters in formation:
from a postulant: "O Jesus, most ardently desired and longed for, behold, the moment is near, the rapturous moment when I shall receive Thee, my God, into my soul. Behold, O my Jesus, I come unto Thee, and run to meet Thee with the utmost devotion and reverence of which I am capable. Stretch forth, therefore, Thy most sacred hands to embrace my soul; those pierced hands of Thine which Thou didst stretch forth amidst the anguish of Thy Passion to embrace all sinners. O my Crucified Jesus, I stretch forth not my hands only, but my heart and soul, to embrace Thee and to leas Thee into the innermost recesses of my heart." Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great from a novice: "Make use of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament as a means of persevering in the practice of virtue. Go to Him toward evening and tell Him about our shortcomings, and ask Him for help and forgiveness. Our Lord loves us, He thinks of us constantly and His glance follows us every moment of the day." ~Cardinal Merry del Val from a novice: "When you approach the tabernacle, remember, He was been waiting for your for 20 centuries." ~A paraphrase of St. Josemaria Escriva At the end of Easter week, the Sisters had the great blessing of going to Institute on Religious Life's Conference at Mundelein Seminary. Since we were in the area, the Sisters attended Holy Mass (twice! once in the Ordinary Form and once in the Extraordinary Form) with the Canons of St. John Cantius in Chicago. Beautiful, reverent liturgies and outstanding hospitality - truly our brothers in Christ. After seeing the Canons, we went up to the Seminary for amazing conferences, Holy Mass, Rosary and Benediction, and fellowship with other Religious from around the country. What a blessing! Queen of Heaven, rejoice! Here are the Sisters singing a little hymn in honor of Our Blessed Mother in this joyful season. May the Risen Lord continue to bless you in this Octave of Easter.
In a recent faith formation class, a Sister was telling the children about the events of Holy Week. She explained how Judas betrayed Our Lord on Wednesday and then spoke about Holy Thursday and the Last Supper. Trying to engage the children, she had them imagine what it was like for Jesus to wash the Apostles feet. The Apostles walked everywhere, the roads were dirt and rock, and they wore sandals. Their feet were probably very dirty and Jesus - who is God - washed their feet like a servant. When this Sister asked the class what it would have been like for Jesus to wash Judas' feet, even though He knew Judas had betrayed Him, one little boy raised his hand. He said, "Well, I think that Judas' feet were not as dirty as the other Apostles because he was not walking with Jesus."
Out of the mouths of babes... |
December 2024