"By virtue of their dedication lived in fullness and in joy, consecrated women are called in a very special way to be signs of God's tender love toward the human race and to be special witnesses to the mystery of the Church, Virgin, Bride, and Mother." ~ Vita Consecrata, 57 Perpetual profession of vows of Sister Maria Faustina of Our Mother of Mercy The final profession of vows is a solemn and grace-filled moment for the Sister, the Community, and the whole Church. It represents the moment when the Church affirms, ratifies, and makes permanent the response the Sister made to Christ's loving call many years before. She professes the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to the rule of life of her community, committing to strive for perfect charity in her way of life. By perpetual profession, the Sister enters into a spiritual marriage that is unbreakable. The Examination
The Litany of Saints Following the examination, the Sister prostrates before the altar for the praying of the Litany of the Saints. The Bishop asks those present to join in praying that Sister may be strengthen in her resolve and address Sister: "Sister, you are dead to the world and your life is hidden in Christ. God forbid that you should glory save in the cross of your beloved Crucified Spouse, that having lived daily in Him, you may one day be conducted by our heavenly Mother to the eternal consummation of your Divine espousals. "Saint Maria Faustina, ora pro nobis! "Saint Teresa of Calcutta, ora pro nobis! Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, ora pro nobis! At the conclusion of the Litany, the Bishop prays: "Arise, and live ever as one in the world but not of the world. Be not a foolish, but a wise virgin with her lamp ever trimmed."
The Solemn Consecration After the profession of vows, the Sister kneels before the Bishop as he prays the prayer of consecration. This prayer is a prayer of praise of God's mercy, a brief synopsis of salvation history and an asking down ofHis special graces on this His chosen bride that she may be faithful and fruitful in her life of consecration. The Presentation of the Ring and the Crown of Thorns Following the solemn consecration, the newly perpetually professed Sister kneels before the Bishop to receive the gold ring of a perpetually professed member of the community (engraved within 'To Jesus, my heart, my all, forever), while the Bishop says: "Receive this ring, for you are betrothed to the Eternal King. Keep faith with your Bridegroom so that you may come to the wedding feast of eternal joy." The Sister responds: I am the Bride of Him whom the angels serve, who the sun and moon gaze upon with admiring wonder. The Lord Jesus has placed His ring upon my finger. He has clothed me in the character of His spouse." The Sister then is crowned by our Mother Superior with a crown of thorns: "Receive, beloved Sister, the crown of thorns in memory of the crown of the Lord, and through this may you know that not to be joined to your Thorn-Crowned Head, that is Christ, is to be a delicate member, and if you bear the crown of thorns of tribulation in this life He shall render you, His spouse, a crown of glory forever." At the conclusion of the Holy Sacrifice, the Sisters renew their total consecration to Jesus through Mary before the image of Our Lady of Fatima as is our custom on all major feasts and occasions in the life of the community.
Praised be the Divine Heart which wrought our salvation... ...to It be glory and honor forever! Amen. You loved me from all eternity, therefore you created me. By Archbishop Alban Goodier, SJ "Arise, then, O soul beloved of Christ! Cease not your vigil; bring close your lips, that you may draw waters out of the Savior's fountain." ~ St. Bonaventure
To choose the heart for an emblem is to dedicate oneself to the only Heart which does not lie, and it is encircled with thorns. ~ Jacques Maritain I believe, O Lord; but strengthen my faith! Heart of Jesus, I love Thee; but increase my love. Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee; but give greater vigor to my confidence. Heart of Jesus, I give my heart to Thee; but so enclose it in Thee that it may never be separated from Thee. Heart of Jesus, I am all Thine; but take care of my promise so that I may be able to put it into practice even unto the complete sacrifice of my life. Amen. From a prayer of Blessed Miguel Pro, SJ A Most Efficacious Prayer to the Sacred Heart O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we know that there is but one thing impossible to Thee, to be without pity for those who are in suffering or distress. Look down then, we beseech Thee, on us, and grant us the grace for which we humbly implore Thee, through the Immaculate Heart of Thy most sorrowful Mother to whom Thou didst confide us as her children; and whose prayers are all powerful with Thee. Amen. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.
Give it an increase of divine love, with the grace of final perseverance. "The kingdom of this world and all its pomps have I despised for the love of Jesus Christ my Lord: whom I have see, whom I have loved; in whom I have believed; to whom I have given my love." May 31, a joyful and grace-filled day, the feast of the Visitation and the feast of the Queenship of Mary, marked the clothing of four new novices and the First Profession of Vows of Sr. Margaret Mary of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Sr. Margaret Mary is the first daughter of the Diocese of Santa Rosa to make profession in the community, making this a significant profession for the Diocese as well as for the community. The Profession Mass was celebrated by His Excellency, Robert Vasa, Bishop of Santa Rosa, assisted by the priests who have played a significant role in Sr. Margaret Mary's life and spiritual formation: our Chaplain, Fr. Jeffery Keyes; the Rector of the Cathedral, Fr. Frank Epperson; Fr. David Anderson, the Pastor of the Eastern Rite Catholic Church; and Fr. Raul Lemus, a dear family friend and former Pastor. Mother pins on the blue veil "...It is Jesus whom I love; I am become the spouse of Him whose Mother was a virgin, and who was begotten spiritually of His Father, of Him whose sweetest music already sounds in mine ears: If I love Him, I am chaste: when I touch Him, I am pure; when I possess Him, I am a virgin.... The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass "...O ye holy virgins, obtain for me that chaste, tender affection, which may give me the right to make my nest, as a turtledove, in the would of love which is in the Heart of Jesus, my Spouse." Text from the unrevised Pontificale Romanum Please join us in praying for Sister Margaret Mary, for her growth in holiness and perseverance in her holy vocation. Mary, our Queen and Mother, pray for us! Picture Gallery
December 2024