"The Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world, alleluia; and that which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!" - Introit for Pentecost Gift of God Most High - This title of the Holy Spirit is a title of the Spirit's nature, True Gift. He is the gift sent from God the Father to be a Consoler to the Apostles at the loss of our Lord. He is the gift of a Teacher and Advocate Who was sent to teach the young Church "all things" and remind the Apostles of everything Christ said to them. But most importantly, the Holy Spirit is a gift of God's presence, where we can know that God moves, acts, and speaks within our very selves. On this feast of Pentecost in which we celebrate the giving of the Gift of the Holy Spirit, we are reminded in our community of one of the greatest gifts we have personally received - our consecrated life - through the celebration of our Sisters who have taken the next steps in their religious lives. It is one of the most joyful weeks of the year for us!
The First Profession of Vows creates an atmosphere of a wedding - for indeed it is! The culmination of three years in formation, the novice professes her vows for one year in the presence of her family - both natural and religious. She comes before Almighty God offering herself and plunging herself into His mercy. The profession and living of these vows "makes visible the marvels wrought by God in the frail humanity of those who are called (VC 20), for our lives are truly transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ" (MSSR Constitutions). The echo of each word of the vow formula is heard on the lips and in the hearts of every Professed Sister, as the novice recites her vows with hands placed trustingly and firmly in those of her Superior. Newly professed, she receives the blue veil of our Lady and on her head is placed a crown of red and white roses - a reminder of purity and divine love, of martyrdom of life and heart.
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March 2024