Prayer to St. Rose for the Diocese of Santa Rosa
Mother questions the candidates concerning their intention
The period of postulancy (derived from the Latin meaning "to ask") is a time for the postulant to become familiar with and to assimilate as her own the way of life and customs of our community. The young Sister is given the opportunity to learn the life and customs by sharing in the assignments and duties of the community. Under the guidance of those more experienced in the life, she is trained in the work of the sacristy and care of the chapel, the preparation and serving of community meals, the care and maintenance of the convent common spaces and grounds, and is lightly involved in the various external apostolates of the community, learning to do each for Jesus alone in the spirit of a Marian Sister. She also joins in the studies common to the house of formation - courses in philosophy, theology, various aspects of religious life and consecration, the spiritual life, prayer, the charism of the community, and St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion, as well as courses in human formation. These studies combined with the living of the life allow the postulant to integrate the life practically as well as intellectually and to further discern God's will for her life.
We commend our postulant Sisters to the care of our Immaculate Mother, begging her to form in them a perfect image of her Divine Son and to obtain for them the grace of final perseverance in our way of life. The Community renewing our Total Consecration O Queen conceived without Original Sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, be my salvation! August 22, the octave day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, marks the Extraordinary Form feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Speaking at Fatima in 1982, St. John Paul II makes these profound remarks concerning the love of Mary's Immaculate Heart: "When Jesus on the Cross said: "Woman, behold, your son" (Jn 19: 26), in a new way he opened his Mother's Heart, the Immaculate Heart, and revealed to it the new dimensions and extent of the love to which she was called in the Holy Spirit by the power of the sacrifice of the Cross. "In the words of Fátima we seem to find this dimension of motherly love, whose range covers the whole of man's path towards God; the path that leads through this world and that goes, through Purgatory, beyond this world. The solicitude of the Mother of the Saviour is solicitude for the work of salvation: the work of her Son. It is solicitude for the salvation, the eternal salvation, of all. Now that sixty-five years have passed since that 13 May 1917, it is difficult to fail to notice how the range of this salvific love of the Mother embraces, in a particular way, our century. "In the light of a mother's love we understand the whole message of the Lady of Fátima. The greatest obstacle to man's journey towards God is sin, perseverance in sin, and, finally, denial of God. The deliberate blotting out of God from the world of human thought. The detachment from him of the whole of man's earthly activity. The rejection of God by man....
In the Ordinary Form, the Queenship of Our Lady is celebrated on this day. Of this privilege of Mary, Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange writes, "Mary is the mother of Him Who from the instant of His conception is King of the universe by His hypostatic union and His fullness of grace.... Mary has a radical right to universal queenship by the fact of her Divine motherhood, but the Divine plan was that she should merit it also by her union with her suffering Son, and that she should not exercise it fully before being crowned queen of all creation in Heaven. Her royalty is spiritual and supernatural rather than temporal and natural, though it extends in a secondary way to temporal affairs considered in their relation to salvation and sanctification.... Thus Mary's queenship is truly universal. There is no region to which it does not extend in some way." Le Couronnement de la Vierge by Enguerrand Quarton O Mary, Queen of all hearts, we trust in you. O Mary, Queen of all hearts, we hope in you. O Mary, Queen of all hearts, we love you and we honor you!
"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun..." ~ Revelation 12:1 Assumption of Mary by Jan Frans Beschey
"Today let the inhabitants of Heaven and earth be united,
let the joy of Angels and men be one, let every tongue exult and sing Hail to the Mother of God." ~ St. Andrew of Crete On Entrance Day, after bidding farewell to their families, the Candidates approach the convent and knock on the door, asking to be admitted as aspirants to our way of life. They have walked a long journey of discernment, first the hearkening in their soul to Christ's call and then the mutual discernment with the community which seeks to determine God's will. The community has seen in the Candidate signs of the communal charism - the gift from God given for the service of the Church to both the Community and to the individual members for His glory and the salvation of souls - and indications of the ability to live the life. The Candidate has in turn seen that the life of the consecrated bride of Christ is beautiful and that our charism and way of life may be the place in which He wishes to fulfill the desires that He has placed in her heart, desires of belonging more fully to Him and of giving her whole self in His service.
Now is the opportunity to see how the well the aspirant and the life match: does she have the physical stamina necessary to live a life fully given? The intellectual maturity to join our '"pursuit of Truth by learning"? The emotional maturity to flourish in community life?
We pray that each young woman who knocks on our door as an aspirant grows in her love of Christ Jesus and in her ability to perceive and receive His love in all the aspects of her life. We welcome each "little Sister" into our religious family with open hearts and loving prayers, recognizing that she may be our sister for life, according to God's Holy Will.
All photos by Ginamarie Lopez of Urban Pilgrim Photography
O Jesus,it is for love of Thee and in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners!
"By professing the evangelical counsels, consecrated persons not only make Christ the whole meaning of their lives but strive to reproduce in themselves, as far as possible, 'that form of life which he, as the Son of God, accepted in entering this world.' .
"By this profound "configuration" to the mystery of Christ, the consecrated life brings about in a special way that confessio Trinitatis which is the mark of all Christian life; it acknowledges with wonder the sublime beauty of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and bears joyful witness to his loving concern for every human being." ~ Vita Consecrata, 16
December 2024