He alone who could understand Mary’s holiness could appreciate her glory.... In Mary, God is more glorified, better known, more loved than in all the rest of the universe. On this ground alone, according to the order of creative Providence, which subordinates the less to the more perfect, Mary is entitled to be Queen of earth and heaven....
An indispensable aspect of authentic religious life, the vow and counsel of poverty - internal and external detachment from goods, others, and self, rooted in secure attachment to our poor Spouse, Jesus Christ - is a gift of the Most Holy Trinity to transform our being and way of living.
The Sisters enjoying time with their small group at Ignite Your Torch As summer draws to a close, all the Sisters embrace God's will in the form of new assignments - the Sister Teachers turn close attention to spiritual and academic preparations for the new souls in their charge this year, the Sister Catechists pray that this year's curriculum paired with their prayerful presence is God's instrument in building and maintaining the spiritual lives of the souls they will encounter, and the Novitiate prepares for changes of duties and new formation classes.
August is devotionally dedicated to the honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Traditionally, the feast of the Immaculate Heart is celebrated on the octave of the Assumption, August 22.
December 2024