Today Passiontide begins, a time especially consecrated to the remembrance and loving contemplation of the sorrows of Jesus. The veiled crucifix and statues, the absence of the Gloria in the Mass and the Gloria Patri in the responsories of the Divine Office,
the suppression of the psalm Judica me at the beginning of Mass - are all signs of mourning by which the Church commemorates Our Lord's Passion." - Divine Intimacy: Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D. "This is the great Festival of the Incarnation, commemorating the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to Our Lady that the Divine Son of God, the Word, would take human nature upon Him in her virginal womb ... On this day the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, uniting for evermore our human nature to the Divine nature. The Mystery of the Incarnation brings vividly before us the boundless condescension and humility of God the Son in stooping to our condition in order to be our Savior. Equally it proclaims the glory and greatness of Mary, who was chosen to give to the Divine Word human flesh and human birth, and so to co-operate with God in the restoration of mankind. Hence her most glorious title of 'Mother of God,' which explains all her glories, her sanctity, and her honor." - The Roman Missal 1962
"We choose St. Joseph, virginal spouse of the Mother of God, and patron of the Universal Church, as our spiritual father and co-patron, entrusting to his care the spiritual and temporal welfare of our community and of each Sister." - MSSR Constitution
"The first and foremost duty of all religious is to be the contemplation of divine things and assiduous union with God in prayer." - Code of Canon Law, 663
One of the greatest joys for any diocese is the day a young man is ordained to the Sacred Order of the Holy Priesthood. Today, the Diocese of Santa Rosa receives that exact joy as two young men will give their lives completely to God in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, where by they will receive the precious, indelible mark upon their souls, making them priests of Jesus Christ forever.
Ite ad Joseph "Go to Joseph" - the meaning of which you can learn more about here - is the aspiration for the month of March, the month of St. Joseph. In this simple phrase one finds a profound confidence in the intercessory power of St. Joseph. As head of the household and father of the family, Mary and Jesus both went to St. Joseph for their needs; and if they went to St. Joseph, so can we. During this month of St. Joseph, we pray that your devotion may grow to love he who is the patron of the universal Church.
December 2024