How delightful it is when little children reveal their age by holding up (somewhat haphazardly) as many little fingers as they have years to their lives. If we were to have done so this year, we would need all fingers on both hands: Our Lady’s Little community turned ten years old in the 2022. We would love to recount with you, our dear friends, relatives and benefactors, the many blessings bestowed on us by God throughout the past year.
Not only did our congregation grow, but so did the apostolates in which we serve. The classical homeschool co-op based out of our Cathedral of St. Eugene (the St. Eugene’s Home School Academy/SEHA) swelled to unprecedented numbers this past school year. Our Sisters have been serving SEHA in the 2022-2023 school year as instructresses for classes in Science, Liturgical Living and—very specially—for an Apologetics course for high school students to prepare them to defend their Faith as they go out into the world post-graduation. Cardinal Newman Highschool saw their number of Sister-Teachers increase from one to three, so that every Freshman class has Theology taught by a Marian Sister. As a community devoted to communicating the Faith, our Sisters at Cardinal Newman High School well embody this element of our charism as they share truths of Christ and His Church with their nearly 200 Freshmen. Along with our academic schools and our presence therein grow, so too was growth found in the school of Faith: our catechetical program, the Parish School of Religion, combined with the Cathedral’s ongoing and sacramental formation programs to become a singular entity under the care of our Sisters. Our Sisters in formation (who serve as our catechists with dedicated lay volunteers) have experienced all the joys of spiritual motherhood as their children, both old and young, learn to know and love the teachings of the Holy Faith. Meanwhile, at the Motherhouse, the entrance of new members and steps made by others were not all the goings on at Mater Dei Convent: Our Lady saw fit, in her womanly way to celebrate this anniversary by beautifying the grounds of her convent with a rosary garden, which honors the Way of the Cross, her Immaculate Conception and all the mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary. Thoroughly and duly blessed by our canonical founder, the Most Reverend Bishop Vasa, this garden—built by the goodness of talented and generous benefactors—is truly a beautiful spot in God’s earth where Our Lady is well loved and highly honored. When the rosary garden was completed Dear Mother Mary, always directing any glory given to her person back to Her Divine Son, arranged for the sanctuary of our chapel to be completed in the final weeks of Advent—with assembly beginning on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and ending in time for Christmas to be celebrated in a house of worship newly decorated for the honor of His Majesty. In keeping with our devotion to the Holy Liturgy, it gladdens our hearts to adorn Our Lord’s home in a way that reflects His glory and beauty. Such are only a few of the many blessings of the past year. As we have worked at setting down roots in this first decade of our community’s life, so we hope to flourish with holy vocations and grow into the congregation that Our Lord has planned us to be from all eternity. Thank you all for your contributions and support, material and spiritual, that have supported us through this past year, and for walking with us in this marvelous journey of growth. God bless you, and may God grant you every best and perfect gift for a holy and happy 2023. A Year in Review GalleryComments are closed.
December 2024