The Sisters continue working on their masterpieces for our live auction at our February 8th event: An Evening with the Sisters. Previously, we shared a few pictures of the Sacred Hearts piece. It has really progressed over the last week!
The Sisters are! We are busily preparing absolutely unique pieces of art to share with you.
January always seems to spring upon us! It is far away and then suddenly we are half way through! This is in no small part because all our love, time, and attention goes to preparing to celebrate our dear Savior's birth, a celebration which is extended well into the new year. This year was no different. In fact, it was probably more so, given that our Sisters made vows on December 27, the feast of John the Beloved, in addition to the usual festivities.
Dear Friends in Jesus and Mary, You are cordially invited to attend our annual Evening with the Sisters hosted at the lovely and peaceful Roche Winery on February 8, 2025 from 4-8pm. Join us for an elegant dinner, a peek into our life and work, a musical presentation by the Sisters, a live auction, fun, and fellowship. Advance registration is required. Register at:
O little ring, you have cost me a lot, what happiness will you bring to soothe tears flowing hot? I have nothing to give you, on my own I am nought,
but my Master’s good wishes I bear as I ought. On December 27, the feast of St. John the Beloved, Sr. Claudia Marie of Our Mother of Mercy and Sr. Mary Perpetua of Our Mother of the Incarnate Word made their First Profession of Vows. Vows are so special to the whole Community; those who are professed renew their dedication, while those who remain in the novitiate look to what lies ahead. We pray for our newly professed Sisters that "the Lord who has begun this good work in them, bring it to fulfillment."
During the different liturgical seasons, the Sisters often gravitate toward seasonally-focused spiritual reading to help direct their hearts and prayers in the spirit of the season. During Advent, one sees the Sisters using various books on Our Lord's incarnation, Our Lady's role in the mysteries of redemption, the Holy Family, the Four Last Things, or other content pertaining to the coming of Christ at Christmas.
Advent is the season of Our Lady. During the first Advent, Mary carried the Christ-child next to her heart and waited in joyful expectation for His birth.
“We know that the coming of the Lord is threefold… The first coming was in flesh and weakness, the middle coming is in spirit and power, and the final coming will be in glory and majesty.” - St. Bernard of Clairvaux on the Season of Advent
December 2024