"I ask to be permitted to live the life of a Marian Sister of Santa Rosa. Drawn by God’s mercy, I have come here to learn your way of life. I ask you to teach me to follow Jesus Christ Crucified and to live generously in poverty, chastity and obedience ..." - Request of the Postulant to be admitted as a Novice As with many things in human life, our religious vocation progresses in a series of sequential “steps”. First, a woman visits the community, then she applies, enters, and begins postulancy. Soon, she is clothed as a novice. In time, she professes her vows for one year, renews her vows, and finally professes her vows for life. In a growing community, as in a family, all anticipate and celebrate these steps in the lives of each of the Sisters. Those just beginning the journey of religious life watch with anticipation as their “older Sisters” model the joyful commitment to which they aspire. Simultaneously, those who have already journeyed on the path look with delight on their “younger Sisters” and remember their own steps in religion. Interiorly each renews her own heartfelt promises, which reinvigorates our desire to give all to Him for the good of His Church.
Clothing & Vow Renewal Slideshow"While growing in closer union with Christ, the vowed religious learns to “combine contemplation with apostolic love. By the former, she clings to God in mind and heart; by the latter she strives to associate herself with the work of redemption and to spread the kingdom of God” through evangelization."
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December 2024