Joy is the special kind of happiness that comes from being in the presence of one we love. The rosary, and the Joyful Mysteries in particular, allow us to experience the greatest of joys, that of being with Our Lord Who loves us above all things, Who longs to shower us with graces as we pray. Let us join with Our Blessed Mother and St. Louis Marie de Montfort to find this blessed fruit in the five Joyful Mysteries. Reflections written by a Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade in honor of the Annunciation and Thy Incarnation in Mary’s womb; and we ask of Thee, through this mystery, and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother, the grace of a profound humility. Amen.
O Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee! Grant us the grace of humility, that the Lord may come to us and our joy, too, may always be full. The Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade in honor of Thy Holy Mother’s Visitation to her cousin St. Elizabeth, and the sanctification of St. John the Baptist; and we ask of Thee, through this mystery, and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother, the grace of true charity towards our neighbors. Amen.
The Third Joyful Mystery: The Nativity of Our Lord We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade in honor of Thy Nativity in the stable of Bethlehem; and we ask of Thee, through this mystery, and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother, detachment from the things of this world, contempt of riches, and love of holy poverty. Amen.
O Mary, Mother of God, grant us always to remember that true joy is found in the presence of the Lord Who loves us with an everlasting love. The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation in the Temple We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade in honor of Thy Presentation in the Temple, and the Purification of Mary; and we ask of Thee, through this mystery, and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother, purity of body and soul. Amen.
The Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade in honor of Thy Holy Mother’s Finding of Thee in the Temple; and we ask of Thee, through this mystery, and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother, the gift of true wisdom. Amen.
O Mary, who continuously pondered God’s word and will, grant us the grace to always seek God and to do His will, that we may always possess Him and be filled with His joy.
O God, Whose Only-Begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that meditating upon these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Mary, Cause of Our Joy, ora pro nobis! Comments are closed.
December 2024