"Your lightning lighted the world; the earth quivered and trembled." Introit
Himself. The Father knows the Son in endless glory; as for us, we know Him in the shadows of faith whilst awaiting the light of eternity. The Father declares that the Babe of Bethlehem, the Youth of Nazareth, the Preacher of Judea, the Victim of Calvary is His Son, His well-beloved Son; our faith is to believe this.
"It is an excellent thing in the spiritual life to have this testimony of the Father ever present, as it were, before the eyes of the heart. Nothing upholds our faith so powerfully. When we read the Gospel, or a Life of our Lord, when we celebrate his mysteries, when we visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament, when we prepare ourselves to receive Him in our hearts in Holy Communion, or when we adore Him after having received Him, in our whole life, in fine, let us try to have these words habitually before us: 'This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.' "And let us then say: Yea, Father, I believe these words, I will repeat them after Thee: this Jesus Who is within me through faith, through Communion, is Thy Son; and because Thou has said it, I believe it; and because I believe it, I adore Thy Son, so as to render Him my homage; and by Him, in Him, so likewise to render to Thee, O Heavenly Father, in union with Thy Spirit, all honour and all glory." - Abbot Marmion Comments are closed.
December 2024