Holy Saturday is the day on which the Church contemplates the rest of Christ in the tomb, after the victorious battle of the cross. She remembers his descent into the world of death to heal the roots of humanity, and she expects his promise to be fulfilled: "The Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes, they will condemn him to death and deliver him to the Gentiles..., they will kill him, and in three days he will be resurrected " (Mk 10, 33-34).
create you so that you would be imprisoned in the region of the dead; get up from the dead; I am the life of those who have died. Get up, the work of my hands; get up, you who have been created in my image (...). The enemy made you leave paradise; I, on the other hand, place you not only in paradise, but in the celestial throne (...). You have prepared the kingdom of heaven from all eternity '"(Office of reading of Holy Saturday: PG 43, 439. 451. 462-463). On Holy Saturday, the Church identifies herself, once again, with Mary: all her faith is gathered in her, the first believer. In the darkness that surrounds creation, it is the only one that keeps alive the flame of faith, preparing to welcome the joyful and surprising proclamation of the Resurrection. The Christian community, remembering the Mother of the Lord on this liturgical day, is invited to dedicate herself to silence and meditation, nourishing in the expectation the joyful hope of a renewed encounter with her Lord. Excerpts from St. John Paul II on April 3, 1996
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December 2024