"O Redeemer, hear this anthem, as we sing with one accord. O Redemptor, sume carmen, temet concinéntium." Antiphon chanted during the Procession of the Oils The Chrism Mass is celebrated once a year, primarily to signify the unity of the priests with their Bishop as they share in the one ministerial priesthood. Secondarily, it is distinctive because of the blessing of the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and oil of the chrism through which all of us are brought into a sharing in the baptismal priesthood through the sacraments of initiation. In his letter of invitation to the Deacons and their wives, men and women Religious of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, the Bishop invited us to renew our dedication, writing, "I believe you can use the opportunity to renew your dedication to proclaiming and promoting God’s Kingdom, which is indeed the mission of all of us. As Permanent Deacons and Religious women and men serving in the Diocese of Santa Rosa, who have offered your lives to Christ for the coming of the Kingdom of God, you can during this Mass renew your yes to the special vocation you have received." Uniting with this intention, the Sisters were privileged to join the choir for this sacred liturgy and to present the Bishop with the gifts at the offertory. After the homily, the Bishop invited the priests to renew their promises, beginning, Then, turned towards the people, the Bishop continued, asking our prayers for our priests and for himself, that they may be faithful ministerss of Christ:
May the Lord keep us all in his charity and lead all of us, shepherds and flock, to eternal life. All: Amen. Comments are closed.
December 2024