O Lord our Lord: how admirable is Thy Name in the whole earth! - Psalm 8:2 As the month of the Most Holy Name of Jesus comes to a close, we revisit the Mass of the Holy Name in a spirit of contemplation. The Introit of the Mass opens with David's cry praise: “O Lord our Lord: how admirable is Thy Name in the whole earth!” Ps. 8.2. The Collect reminds us that David's praise is to become our own as we promise the Holy Name of Jesus our veneration, for He is the Savior of mankind. St. Peter proclaims the healing and saving power of the Name, "for there is no other Name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved." The Gradual and Offertory praise the Holy Name with joy and ask the Heavenly Father to gather all nations together, so that we may with one voice praise His Everlasting Name. Throughout the Holy Mass glory and grandeur resound. Yet, the Gospel reminds us: “At that time, after eight days were accomplished… His Name was called Jesus…” Jesus: a name chosen by Heaven for the Word Made Flesh before He was conceived in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary; a Name eternal and divine. Yet, too, a Name given by a humble carpenter to an eight-day-old infant, small enough to fit into the crook of his arm. Our Lord loves to act through little things in little ways. It is for this reason that Our Lady rejoices in her Magnificat in her lowliness and humility: God is free to fill her empty hands—detached from the things of this world—with His blessings. Her soul, empty of sin, is filled with His grace. Her littleness permits Him to set her upon a pedestal and adorn her with stars. Here, in the littleness of a week-old baby, Omnipotence receives the Name in which alone we have salvation.
In these last few weeks before the events of our salvation take center stage and our Lord fulfills the name given Him, let us - with hearts full of love and gratitude - praise His Most Holy Name with greater love and devotion. Most Holy Name of Jesus, save us!Comments are closed.
December 2024