"All they from Saba shall come bringing gold and frankincense and showing forth praise to the Lord." Isaiah 60: 6, 1 Today we celebrate a feast of great Splendor: the Epiphany, or manifestation, of Christ to the Gentiles, "the festival of the eternal Word, clothed in the flesh, revealing Himself to mankind," (Roman Missal). As the Sacred texts are always applicable to our life today, it is not just to the Gentiles in that time that Christ manifested His divinity; He does so even now.
Though we are not able to physically be at the Divine's Infant's feet, falling down to worship Him as the Three Kings did, it is through the Church and Her Liturgy that these historical events become present to us once again, and we are mystically transported to Bethlehem. Holy Mother Church depicts this reality when She instructs us in the Gospel to genuflect as the scripture reads, "and falling down they adored Him" "That story was not to remain a historical episode merely. Our very actions during the Gospel prove the opposite; for when we kneel at the words, 'falling down they worshipped Him,' we bear witness that we are not only listening to the narrative, but that we are, in fact, identifying ourselves with the Magi. Holy Mass repeats the scene at Bethlehem, makes it actual here and now ... We join eagerly, and with the Magi proceed to the altar. We too are kings and our gifts today are kingly gifts. But we also represent the whole Gentile world who comes to pay homage to the divine King." - Dr. Pius Parsch
"Those gifts now yield to that which they foreshadowed; the Church's sacrificial Offering is more precious than gold, frankincense, and myrrh - it is Christ Himself. Our offering in Christ, mirrored in our hearts in the gold-like purity of the love that attends our obtain; our offering of Christ, immolated like frankincense ... received at the sacrificial Banquet and entering our inmost soul like myrrh. " - Dr. Pius Parsch Let us, today, hasten with the Kings to seek the Infant Christ and upon finding Him in every aspect of our life, rejoice with exceeding great joy. When we look for Christ, He will guide us to find Him, and in finding Him, may we offer our greatest treasures - all that we have and are - to Him Who is the cause of our heart's joy. O God, Who on this day, didst manifest Thine only-begotten Son to the Gentiles by the guidance of a star, graciously grant, that we, who know Thee now by faith, may be led on even to contemplate the beauty of Thy Majesty."
- Collect for the Mass of the Epiphany Comments are closed.
March 2024