O Mary, my Mother, by the merits of thy Divine Son, obtain for me the grace to faithfully and generously give myself to Him!
became in a sense her sentiments at her Assumption. In all things and in all ways, she is our exemplar as we strive, in union with her, to make of our lives an offering to God. Her unqualified "yes" teaches us that the way of our sanctification is obedience to the will of the Father. Her simple "Fiat" was a response of faith of such depth and totality that its fruit was eternal fidelity. It is for this that we pray and beseech her help: that our vows, especially that of obedience, never become empty, but that in fruitful submission to the will of God we too may be eternally faithful to Him who is ever faithful. Mosaic from the apse of Santa Maria in Trastevere Loving Him and imitating Him throughout her life, co-redeeming with Him through His Passion, nurturing His Holy Church in its infancy, His Mother merited to reign with Him in splendor. "Close to the throne of honor where her Son, the King of ages, reigns in justice and in power; there she is proclaimed Queen, there she will reign for evermore in mercy and in goodness (Gueranger)." It is this divine and marvelous mystery that we commemorate today as we celebrate the Divine Maternity of Mary, and we implore her aid as we strive to imitate her Divine Son. Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!Comments are closed.
December 2024