"Behold the Lord the Ruler is come: and the Kingdom is in His hand, and power, and dominion." - Introit: Mass of Epiphany The Christmas season comes to its liturgical culmination (and is the continuation of that mystery) with today's feast of the Epiphany of our Lord. In the word's of Dom Prosper Gueranger: "The Epiphany is indeed a great Feast, and the joy caused us by the Birth of our Jesus must be renewed on it, for, as though it were a second Christmas Day, it shows us our Incarnate God in a new light. It leaves us all the sweetness of the dear Babe of Bethlehem, who hath appeared to us already in love; but to this it adds its own grand manifestation of the divinity of our Jesus. At Christmas, it was a few Shepherds that were invited by the Angels to go and recognise The Word made Flesh, but now, at the Epiphany, the voice of God Himself calls the whole world to adore this Jesus, and hear Him."
Today the Bridegroom claims His bride, the Church, since Christ has washed her sins away in Jordan’s waters; the Magi hasten with their gifts to the royal wedding; and the wedding guests rejoice, for Christ has changed water into wine, alleluia. In union with Holy Mother Church and the Magi, let us fall down and worship Christ Incarnate, the Emmanuel (God with us). Let us offer Him the gold of that which we deem "successes" knowing it is only He Who triumphs and is glorified in all things; the frankincense of our affections, worshiping His divinity and recognizing He is God and we are not; and the myrrh of our will, desiring that we may die to ourselves daily so that His will may live in us.
On January 4, we celebrated 10 years since the founding of our community. We could come up with an endless list of those whom we are indebted to, but most importantly we thank our canonical founder, His Excellency Bishop Robert Vasa, the parents of those who have given the gift of their daughters, and all of our benefactors who have made these 10 years possible. Thank you to all who support us in any way, financially and spiritually. Please know of our ceaseless gratitude, love, and prayers for you. May Our Lord, through His Most Holy Mother, bestow on you His love, blessings, and graces. Mater Dei Christmas AlbumComments are closed.
December 2024