With the intention of glorifying God, thanking Him for His abundant graces, and of earnestly beseeching His spiritual and material protection, we are honored to unite with the ages-old custom of observing the Rogation days. The Rogation days, whose name is derived from the Latin "rogare" - "to ask", are special days of supplication and reparation characterized by the praying of the Litany of the Saints (traditionally in procession) and a Mass whose texts are marked by confident supplication. Dom Gueranger writes,
According to Dom Gueranger, the object of the Rogation days is to appease God's anger at the sins of the world and to advert His just chastisments. Also, it is a time to ask Our Good Father to shower abundant blessings upon the earth and to thank Him for graces already received. This year was our first opportunity have the Rogation procession as a community. We were blessed that our good Chaplain could lead us in the chanting of the Litany of the Saints before the Rogation day Mass. Comments are closed.
December 2024