The apparitions of Our Blessed Mother retain a special place of honor within our Marian community, as we strive to practice all she requested. In the apparition at Lourdes, Our Lady reminds her children the importance of praying her rosary, practicing daily penance, and praying for the conversion of poor sinners.
In thanksgiving for the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes and in celebration of our dear Novice Mistress' feast day, we made our way in procession - with white and yellow roses in hand - to a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes (found on the new property) while chanting her Litany. May she who is the Immaculate Conception grant you special graces this day, particularly through the praying of her rosary! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee! Our Lady of Lourdes Procession SlideshowComments are closed.
December 2024