As the weather here in Santa Rosa has shifted - from blue, warm, sunny skies to overcast, cold, and rainy - there too has been a shift in the convent atmosphere: Advent has come upon us and the new liturgical year has begun.
We pray that you may have a blessed and grace-filled Advent Season, and may Our Lady, in her joyful expectation, unite her heart to yours in this time of preparation. "The liturgical texts used during the four weeks of the season of Advent remind the faithful of the 'absence of Christ.' .... In a spirit of penance and prayer we await the Mediator, the God-Man, preparing for His coming in the flesh, and also for His second coming as our Judge. The Masses for Advent strike a note of preparation and repentance mingled with joy and hope; hence, although the penitential purple is worn and the Gloria is omitted, the joyous Alleluia is retained. Th readings from the Old Testament [are] taken mostly from the prophecies of Isaiah, ... [which give] eloquent expression to the longing of all nations for a Redeemer." "The idea of Advent is 'Prepare ye for the coming of Christ.' Therefore the very appeals of the Patriarchs and Prophets are put in our mouths in Advent. Prepare for the coming of Christ the Redeemer, who comes to prepare us for His Second Coming as Judge ... During Advent we make straight for Christ the way to our souls - and behold, our Lord will come at Christmas." - The 1962 Roman Missal
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December 2024