“If, then, we establish solid devotion to our Blessed Lady, it is only to establish more perfectly devotion to Jesus Christ, and to provide an easy and secure means for finding Jesus Christ. If devotion to Our Lady removed us from Jesus Christ, we should have to reject it as an illusion of the devil; but so far from this being the case, devotion to Our Lady is, on the contrary, necessary for us—as I have already shown, and will show still further hereafter-- as a means of finding Jesus Christ perfectly, of loving Him tenderly, of serving Him faithfully.” - St. Louis Marie de Montfort: True Devotion Today we celebrate the feast day of a holy, venerable man whom we like to call one of our spiritual fathers: St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (the other being St. Joseph). Our hearts fill with gratitude to Our Lord for giving us such a saint who taught us how to love Our Lady as Jesus Christ did - totally and completely without reserve. One of the ways St. Louis taught in which we can achieve union of hearts with Jesus through Mary is through prayerful meditation of the rosary. When praying the rosary, we sit at the School of Mary. She teaches us to contemplate the beauty of the face of Christ, to experience the depths of His love, and to draw down the specific graces of each mystery upon Christ's living members, the Church. It is our custom to ask for the fruits of each mystery of the rosary according to the method St. Louis Marie de Montfort wrote for the Daughters of Wisdom. In addition to this manner of praying the rosary, St. Louis, who constantly strove to make the rosary a practical devotion and a way of bringing Jesus and Mary alive, also left four other ways of focusing our attention on the mystery at hand. Sacred Scripture is the pre-eminent meditation material for the rosary, but our poor minds and souls can find themselves in need of a fresh approach now and again. Sometimes just taking a different look at texts and mysteries can be enough to stir up the fires of devotion and love. Below are the Glorious Mysteries laid out using a combination of three of his methods.
GLORY BE... May the grace of the Mystery of the Resurrection come down into our souls. Amen. O Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Amen.
The Mystery of PentecostWe offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade in honor of the Mystery of Pentecost and we ask of Thee, through this mystery and through the intercession of Thy Holy Mother, the coming of the Holy Ghost into our souls. Amen. OUR FATHER... HAIL MARY...
The AssumptionWe offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade in honor of Thy Assumption of Thy Holy Mother into heaven, and we ask of Thee, through this mystery and through her intercession, a tender devotion to so good a Mother. Amen. OUR FATHER... HAIL MARY... Meditating on the mystery by adding the phrase "Jesus raising thee up" to each Hail Mary. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus raising thee up. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. The CoronationWe offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade in honor of Thy crowning of Thy Holy Mother Queen of Heaven and Earth, and we ask of Thee, through this mystery and through her intercession, the grace of final perseverance and a crown of glory hereafter. Amen. OUR FATHER... HAIL MARY... To honor the triple crown which Mary received from the Holy Trinity.
Totus Tuus ego sum et omnia mea Tua sunt. I am Thine, and all that I have is Thine.
I take Thee for my all, give me Thy heart, O Mary. -motto of Pope St. John Paul II taken from St. Louis Marie de Motfort's True Devotion - aspiration prayed by the sisters throughout the day Comments are closed.
December 2024