One of the gifts of Holy Mother Church to her children is the gift of the Octave. For high liturgical feasts such as Christmas and Easter, the feast is so splendid, so marvelous that one day is not sufficient to celebrate! Even more particular to the Octave is the fact that each day is celebrated as equally to the feast. During the Easter Octave, for example, every day is celebrated as the day of Christ's Resurrection. Celebrating the fullness of an Octave gives us as Marian Sisters an opportunity to "live the fullness of the Church's liturgical life," (MSSR Charism) and that "living" can take a variety of forms. This Easter Octave called for quite the creativity on the sister's part, as the "shelter in place" is still in effect. Every day, different sisters not only sponsored a delectable menu, but also put together a fun activity for all the sisters to enjoy, such as an Easter egg hunt, egg dying and drawing, hobby sharing, a tea with croquet, and a movie!
The Easter Season calls us to hope and joy! Hope - a virtue our world needs now more than ever. Joy - one that is supernatural and can only can from a deep encounter with the living God. Let us go forth now - even if only in the confines of our home - bringing this same joy and hope to all those with whom we meet and speak. Christus resurrexit, sicut dixit, Alleluia! Octave Joy SlideslowComments are closed.
December 2024