Nearly past the mid-Lent mark, we rejoice with you on this Laetare Sunday of Lent. Our redemption is at hand and God' mercy is endless! On this Holy Sunday, we share our second Vespers hymn that we sing: O Jesus Christ, From Thee Began. The text contains the sentiments of every Christian soul during this holy season- sentiments of humility, recognition of one's sinfulness, and plea for mercy. The Christian notes that it is Christ, as in all things, Who first carved the way of the season of Lent - through prayer and fasting in the desert - and also began the redemption of our souls. It is He Who is our Model and Exemplar in the way of reparation. Let us continue to follow Him during Lent, carrying our crosses with Him till the very last day, and only placing them down when we have reached Calvary so that we may mount it with Him. Let us rejoice, for God has granted us the grace to follow in His footsteps - He Who is our help and salvation! O Jesus Christ, From Thee Began O Jesus Christ, from Thee began
This healing for the soul of man, By fasting sought, by fasting found, Through forty days of yearly round. Therefore behold Thy Church, o Lord, And grace of penitence accord To all who seek with generous tears Renewal of their wasted years. Forgive the sin that we have done, Forgive the course that we have run, And show henceforth in evil day Thyself our helper and our stay. But now let ev'ry heart prepare By sacrifice of fast and prayer To keep with peace and joy untold The solemn Easter feastival. Father and Son and Spirit blest, To Thee be ev'ry prayer addrest, Who art in threefold Name adored, From age to age, the only Lord. Amen. Comments are closed.
December 2024