“Knowing by experience St. Joseph’s astonishing influence with God, I would wish to persuade everyone to honor him with particular devotion. I have always seen those who honored him in a special manner make progress in virtue, for this heavenly protector favors in a striking manner the spiritual advancement of souls who commend themselves to him.” - St. Teresa of Avila The novena to St. Joseph - very dear to our hearts - begins today. We invite you to join us in praying to the Patron and Father of the Universial Church in preparation for his feast day In this novena, no specific prayers are necessary. Each day for nine days, turn to St. Joseph in spirit honoring him four times throughout the day. During each visit, consider one of the following aspects of St. Joseph, remembering to thank God for honoring St. Joseph and, through his intercession, request a similar grace:
Remember, most pure spouse of Mary, ever Virgin, my loving protector, St. Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection or asked for your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding, therefore, in your goodness, I come before you and humbly impore you. Despise not my petitions, foster-father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen. Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel confident that your prayers on my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. Amen. “Devotion to St. Joseph is one of the choicest graces that God can give to a soul, for it is tantamount to revealing the entire treasury of our Lord’s graces.
When God wishes to raise a soul to greater heights, he unites it to St. Joseph by giving it a strong love for the good saint.” - St. Peter Julian Eymard Comments are closed.
December 2024