April showers do indeed bring May flowers, as Regina Pacis Convent has blossoms all around Our Lady's grounds .. and in the convent, we believe these May flowers find a beautiful fulfillment in being woven into a crown for Our Lady. Holy Mother Church chooses the month of May to be dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which fittingly proceeds the month of the Holy Eucharist, as she was the first adorer of the Word made Flesh. There are countless ways to honor the sweetest of mothers - from praying her rosary (or an extra decade) or Litanies, practicing her virtues, reading spiritual writings in her honor, or simply making an extra visit to a statue of her. Every extra devotion we undertake, no matter how big or small, is like placing a rose at her feet and showering her with love. What could bring more joy to a mother's heart than the love of her children! One of our customs during May is the crowning of Our Lady - a common practice in most churches at the beginning of the month. In addition to the first day, we choose several other days throughout the month for her crowning. Each sister is given a chance to assemble a beautiful crown to dawn the Blessed Mother and then chooses a particular hymn to Mary that will be sung during the crowning. This is a practice that can be practiced by all, and we invite you to join us! Maybe your garden isn't full of flowers, but your heart is full of love, and each Hail Mary offered to Our Lady is a perfect rose. We pray that Our Lady may draw you nearer to her Tender and Pure Heart during this month, that you may know you are truly her child, and that you may grow in a deeper, more profound love for the Mother of God and the Church. "If I were asked by someone seeking to honor Our Lady, 'What does genuine devotion to her involve?' I would answer briefly that it consists in a full appreciation of the privileges and dignity of Our Lady; in expressing our gratitude for her goodness to us; in zealously promoting devotion to her; in constantly appealing for her help; in being completely dependent on her; and in placing firm reliance and loving confidence in her motherly goodness." - St. Louis Marie de Montfort Blossoms of the Convent SlideshowComments are closed.
December 2024