"Holy Church, our Good Mother, after having exalted with fitting praise all Her children who now rejoice in heaven, strives also to help all those who still suffer in purgatory, and to this end intercedes with all Her power before Christ, Her Lord and Spouse, in order that as speedily as possible they may join the society of the elect in heaven." Roman Martyrology
"O Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed from the pains of hell and from the deep pit; deliver them from the lion's mouth, that hell engulf them not, nor they fall into darkness, but let Michael, the holy standard-bearer bring them into the holy light which Thou once didst promise to Abraham and his seed. We offer Thee, O Lord, sacrifices and prayers of praise; do Thou accept them for those souls whom we this day commemorates; grant them, O Lord, to pass from death to the life which Thou once didst promise to Abraham and his seed." - Offertory Prayer: Daily Mass for the Dead Eternal Rest grant unto them,
December 2024