Last Sunday we celebrated the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord and the Purification of Mary - Jesus Who is the Light revealed to the nations, and Our Lady who is the pure reflection of this light. But now, as Septuagesima begins, we follow Christ, "the Light of men" into the darkness. This darkness is recalled in the Introit of today's Mass, calling to mind the voice of Adam when he heard the voice of God and hid: "The sorrows of death surrounded me, the sorrows of hell encompassed me and in my affliction I called upon the Lord." Adam represents every man - past, present, and future - who cries from the depths of his souls realizing he has lost God due to original sin. But the psalm continues "and He heard my voice from His holy temple." Here the psalm reminds us that God heard the cries of His children and sent His only begotten Son to redeem them and bring them back into the Father's bosom.
During Lent, we follow Christ into the darkness of sin and sufferings. But amidst this darkness there is always the light - the light of faith in Christ. "That was the true Light, which enlightened every man that come into this world." He shines in our hearts through Lent and carries us to Good Friday and through to Easter Sunday when sin and death were conquered and the "Lumen Christi" is given and received. "The light shine in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." May Christ - the Light of your soul - set aflame your love for Him as we prepare for the season of Lent. Candlemas & Alleluia Burial SlideshowComments are closed.
December 2024