The city of Santa Rosa and the surrounding area is well known for its beautiful parks. There are about 70 parks within a short distance of the convent. When our Lord provides good weather, the sisters sometimes have a chance to stretch their legs and enjoy the marvelous work of the Creator.
Most likely this is one of the many reasons the Church instructs its children in the Divine Office to pray often the Canticle of Daniel (Daniel 3:57-88,56) - where we are reminded that all things are to give praise to the Lord: star, sea, heaven, fire, cold, light and darkness. "Let the earth bless the Lord. Praise and exalt him above all forever." The religious, too, encounters her Divine Bridegroom among His creation.
All this He has given to her in love. And as she enjoys it with Him, through her consecrated life, she gives this enjoyment of His creation back to Him as an act of worship. But creation was not enough for Him Who is Infinite Love. No - He desires to give His Spouse much more: His whole being - Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity through the Most Holy Eucharist. As the religious adores Him in her body and soul through Holy Communion, she then - like Our Lady - goes about life enjoying all she has been given in union Him. Together, Bride and Groom gaze upon the created world and the souls God has placed within it. Hiking SlideshowComments are closed.
March 2024