"Holy Saturday is liturgically a day of deepest mourning, a day which the Church spends at our Lord's sepulcher, meditating on His Sacred Passion and Death." - 1962 Roman Missal The sacred day of Holy Saturday is a day spent next to our Lady's side, mourning with her, and keeping her company in her sorrow as she mourns the brutal death of her Son. Many endeavored to keep her company - Mary Magdalene, the Beloved Apostle John, the repentant Peter - but none could understand the depths of her sorrow but her Son, Whom she no longer had with her. And yet in the midst of her mourning lies a glimmer of hope. Though nothing could ease or heal the pain she suffered, she knew what was soon to come. Let us kneel next to our Mother, grieving with her as her heart is now fully pierced, but let us look upon her gaze as she awaits the triumph of her Son, and in return she will direct our gaze towards the Light Who is about to dispel the darkness.
"They have braved every insult and danger in order to remain on Calvary till all was over, and they intend returning thither with Magdalene, as soon as the Sabbath is over, to honor the Tomb and the Body of Jesus. John, the adopted son of Mary, and the Beloved Disciple of Jesus, is oppressed with sorrow. Others, also, of the Apostles and Disciples visit the house of mourning. Peter, penitent and humble, fears not to appear before the Mother of Mercy.
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December 2024