"The kingdom of this world and all its pomps have I despised for the love of Jesus Christ my Lord: whom I have see, whom I have loved; in whom I have believed; to whom I have given my love." May 31, a joyful and grace-filled day, the feast of the Visitation and the feast of the Queenship of Mary, marked the clothing of four new novices and the First Profession of Vows of Sr. Margaret Mary of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Sr. Margaret Mary is the first daughter of the Diocese of Santa Rosa to make profession in the community, making this a significant profession for the Diocese as well as for the community. The Profession Mass was celebrated by His Excellency, Robert Vasa, Bishop of Santa Rosa, assisted by the priests who have played a significant role in Sr. Margaret Mary's life and spiritual formation: our Chaplain, Fr. Jeffery Keyes; the Rector of the Cathedral, Fr. Frank Epperson; Fr. David Anderson, the Pastor of the Eastern Rite Catholic Church; and Fr. Raul Lemus, a dear family friend and former Pastor. Mother pins on the blue veil "...It is Jesus whom I love; I am become the spouse of Him whose Mother was a virgin, and who was begotten spiritually of His Father, of Him whose sweetest music already sounds in mine ears: If I love Him, I am chaste: when I touch Him, I am pure; when I possess Him, I am a virgin.... The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass "...O ye holy virgins, obtain for me that chaste, tender affection, which may give me the right to make my nest, as a turtledove, in the would of love which is in the Heart of Jesus, my Spouse." Text from the unrevised Pontificale Romanum Please join us in praying for Sister Margaret Mary, for her growth in holiness and perseverance in her holy vocation. Mary, our Queen and Mother, pray for us! Picture Gallery
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December 2024