Dear Friends in Christ, Laudetur Jesus Christus! Praised be Jesus and Mary! Welcome to this issue of Ex Corde Ecclesiae, a kind of “Magnificat” for us to share with you. This season’s newsletter is full of testimonies of God’s unique blessing upon the Marian Sisters this past year – a year dedicated to the message of Fatima so cherished within our ranks. Your prayers and support have borne fruit in new vocations, the clothing of three new novices, first profession of vows for three Sisters, and a beautiful Perpetual Vow Mass for Sr. Maria Faustina of our Mother of Mercy, wherein she dedicated her life to Christ forever. The summer of 2017 was notable for both spiritual and apostolic activities including annual retreats, educational opportunities, youth ministry in our own diocese and beyond, and the reception of two new candidates – Katie from Baton Rouge, LA and Rose Janae from Albuquerque, NM. These beautiful young women have increased the joy and inspiration we share within the community and with those we serve. As our numbers increase, opportunities abound for the Marian Sisters to serve God and others. Fortified by worship and contemplation, the works of the Sisters expand beyond the convent walls to teaching, liturgical ministry, diocesan school visits, faith formation of youth, praying with the elderly, serving in the chancery offices and much more. The firestorm that recently descended upon our diocese presented opportunities to serve in evacuation shelters and in our diocesan schools. These ministries claimed our hearts, inspiring the maternal love which flows from our lives of consecration. In everything we say and do, we endeavor to be Mary’s image in the world – her loving heart, her face, her hands and voice – to all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please pray for us as we pray for you. Have a blessed Season of Advent and a grace-filled New Year! Gratefully Yours in the Love of Christ, Mother Teresa Christe, MSSR Click to read NewsletterComments are closed.
December 2024