"Jesus knowing that His hour was come, that He should pass out of this world to the Father: having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them unto the end." John 13: 1-2 Introit from Mass of the Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Today we celebrate a feast that is all too little known - the Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. This feast falls after the second Thursday after Corpus Christi and, appropriately, within the Octave of the Sacred Heart. A feast dear to our community, it is one that calls to mind the inexhaustible Love which beats from the Sacred Heart, found in the Holy Eucharist, and of the continual gift of Himself that He wishes us to receive in Holy Communion, so that our heart may be untied to His. The Roman Missal beautifully states: "This feast commemorates the supreme love of the Sacred Heart which instituted the august Eucharist in order to dwell here below with us and to give to our souls His Flesh as food and His Blood as drink. In the tabernacle dwells the most loving Heart, a human Heart, but one that never wearies of us, that longs for our love with an infinite love: 'Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened and I will refresh you.'" May the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus have mercy on us and remain with us always. "O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast poured forth the riches of Thy love for men in instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist: help us, we beseech Thee, to love Thy most loving Heart and ever make worthy use of so great a Sacrament ..."
Collect from Mass of the Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Comments are closed.
December 2024