On Tuesday, our humble little family of 12 grew! After bidding farewell to their families, our new Candidates knocked on the door of Regina Pacis Convent, asking to be admitted as Aspirants to the life of a Marian Sister of Santa Rosa. The "knock" is the external sign of the internal desire. "I desire to follow Christ more closely," she says in her heart, "Through discernment, I believe this community is where God is calling me - to learn to be a Spouse of Christ and to be a saint." And thus, she knocks upon the convent door as an expression of her soul's response to Almighty God. "Come, follow me." These are the words our Lord has tenderly spoken to these new Candidates. As each Candidate steps through the convent door, she unites with the Apostles who, out of love for Him, left everything to follow Him.
The now Aspirants receive candles which are placed at the feet of the Blessed Mother, entrusting from the very first moment their new journey. The Aspirants receive their first blessing from the Reverend Mother and then proceed outside to finally embrace their eagerly awaiting new Sisters. We entrust our new Sisters to the Immaculate and Pure Heart of Mary, that she may teach and guide them in the Marian way of life. Entrance SlideshowComments are closed.
December 2024