On the last day of the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis about half of our Sisters were able to watch the live stream of the Eucharistic Procession through the streets of Indianapolis. Even though we were not physically present, it was inspiring! A crucifix and double thurifers led the procession, followed by First Communicants, religious sisters and brothers, seminarians, deacons and priests, bishops and archbishops. Then came our Eucharistic Lord in a monstrance of great size and beauty, placed upon a lovingly adorned “float” and surrounded by reverent attendants. The streets were lined with thousands of kneeling adorers, both young and old. After our Lord passed by, the crowd followed behind their Good Shepherd in procession. As the procession continued one of our Sisters asked, “Has there been any talk of what is next?” The Sisters all understood what she meant. As we come to the close of a three-year revival and await the next National Eucharistic Congress in 2033, how can this renewal continue? There is no doubt that the National Eucharistic Congress was a powerful and grace-filled event, likely to form and inspire many Catholics of this generation. Now our Lord is inviting us anew to bring the graces of these extraordinary and national events into our daily lives. Jesus’ presence in our parish Masses, closed Tabernacles, and Adoration Chapels is just as powerful and transformative as the recent national events if we let it be so! Now is the time to seize with renewed vigor the very local and personal opportunities to spend time with our Eucharistic Lord. Every encounter with Jesus in the Eucharistic is an occasion to give thanks, to offer praise, to lay before Him our petitions, and to make reparation for offenses committed against His True Presence. In this novena of years until the next National Eucharistic Congress, how will you let your humble and ordinary encounters with our Eucharistic Lord convert your heart ever anew unto His own image and likeness?
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December 2024